Eight people injured after balcony collapses at home in Anglesea

Eight People Injured After Balcony Collapses At Home In Anglesea - Surveyors UK
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Eight people injured after balcony collapse at home in Anglesea

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Eight people injured after balcony collapse at home in Anglesea

Up to eight people were injured after falling 2.5 meters when a balcony collapsed at a home in a popular coastal holiday town south-west of Melbourne.

Eight people were eating lunch on the balcony of a house near Point Roadknight beach in Anglesea when it collapsed, injuring them all, along with a dog.

Eight people were treated by paramedics after a balcony collapsed in Anglesea Saturday afternoon. Credit: Wayne Taylor

A Victoria Police spokesperson said: “Eight people and a dog have been injured following a balcony collapse in Anglesea.

“It’s believed the group were lunching on the balcony when it collapsed, causing all eight people to fall about 2.5 metres.

“Three men, three women and two teenage girls were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.”

In the immediate aftermath of the collapse, it’s believed three people were temporarily trapped beneath timber from the balcony, and the brick foundations were unstable.

Anglesea is a popular holiday destination over summer. Credit: Scott McNaughton

The exact number of people transported to hospital, and the nature of their injuries, remain unclear.

An Ambulance Victoria spokesperson said: “Seven people are being transported by road ambulance to Geelong University Hospital.”

CFA said three people were transported to hospital, and a total of eight were treated by paramedics.

“A call came in just before 2pm this afternoon for a structural collapse on Odonohue Rd in Anglesea. Crews from CFA, FRV and SES responded,” a CFA spokesperson said.

“On arrival they located a second-storey balcony had collapsed where a number of persons were having lunch.”

SES members have cordoned off the area, and a building surveyor will attend the scene to assess the area.

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Author: building surveyor
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