UK the slowest home moving nation

Uk The Slowest Home Moving Nation - Surveyors UK
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Home moving in England and Wales takes an average of 179 days from listing to completion; the slowest home moving completion timescales in 12 home moving nations. Across the 12, the average transaction takes 110 days with the US leading the way on 53 days from listing to ‘closing’.

The research has been undertaken by Material Information and digital property pack provider, Moverly, who selected 12 countries is considered UK residents might emigrate to including Italy (159 days), Germany (137 days), Australia (95 days) and UAE (70 days).

While data on the reasons for speedier transactions elsewhere in the world compared to the UK is hard to come by, Gemma Young, Moverly CEO, suggests the ‘unique idiosyncrasies’ in the process causes ‘bumps and obstacles’ that sellers and property professionals have to navigate throughout the selling journey, many of which other countries, she suggests, have managed to iron out over the years.

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Author: Today’s Conveyancer
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