The Government has released data showing that the number of out-of-use or empty homes has risen to 998,784, with 265,061 of those now long-term
This means that the number of long-term empty houses has risen by 4,587, which is a further indication of the housing crisis.
Haringey, London, saw a 43% increase in empty homes
Two years ago, Haringey reported no empty homes but now reports 1,500, or 1 in 30.
Since the end of the Government Empty Homes Programme in 2016, there has been a rise of 32%. Kingston upon Thames saw the largest rise, of up to nearly 2,000, or 152%. A further issue can be seen in second homes (homes that consistently have large periods of being empty), where Kingston upon Thames saw a 34% rise, or 1 in 24.
Newcastle under Lyme saw the largest increase in second homes, at almost 1,000%, distantly followed by Wandsworth in London, with a 144% rise.
Council data shows overall housing supply at an added 213,366 homes on last year
Director of Action on Empty Homes, Rebecca Moore, said: “Every year we see more homeless families and more homes standing empty, this is why a new Government needs to make a change.
“We can’t keep on putting more families in unsuitable temporary accommodation for longer periods of time, whilst so many homes sit wasted. It’s particularly shocking to see big rises in London where so many homeless families originate.
“After more than a decade of intense housing crisis, people are asking how long-term empty homes in England can keep on rising, whilst 117,000 families and over 151,000 children are trapped in Temporary Accommodation, costing the nation TWO billion pounds a year.
“A new national empty homes programme is long overdue. What Action on Empty Homes, Crisis and Shelter are all calling for is a strategic and targeted approach to our national housing emergency to see homes brought into use to alleviate the worst impacts of homelessness FAST – government needs to respond adequately and offer funding and incentives to get these homes back into use because this will save public money and transform the lives of homeless families.
“Long-term empties are a missed opportunity to invest in and learn from retrofitting. Retrofitting empties is cheaper, faster and greener than building new homes, creating energy efficient homes, and building local skills.
“Action on Empty Homes calls on Government to introduce a new national empty homes programme to create additional housing supply for those in most housing need, utilising properties currently left vacant or in need of renovation.
“Homeless families can’t wait ten years and two terms of Government to see New Towns built, they need the housing they have been promised in their own communities now.”
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