Research highlights heat pump business size

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Air source heat pump

MCS has published its latest Installer survey findings relating to the size of heat pump businesses that are MCS certified. 

The results are part of a Scheme wide survey of certified businesses – including 1,850 heat pump contractors – which highlight that the average number of heat pump installers working in an MCS certified business average 4.8.  

Respondents were asked how many heat pump installers their company directly employs, with the results showing that the average across all respondents equated to almost five heat pump installers per MCS certified business.   

What does this mean? 

The 4.8 figure helps to shine a light on the total number of qualified installers potentially working in the sector. As MCS approaches 2,000 certified heat pump businesses, this suggests that the UK is nearing the 10,000 mark for heat pump installers working within a certified business – a key milestone in the journey to net zero.  

As consumer confidence in heat pumps continues to grow, there is likely to be increased demand for skilled heat pump technicians to deliver high-quality installations. It is therefore crucial that, as an industry, we develop a better understanding of current capacity, so that we can ensure sufficient supply for further heat pump rollout in the future. 

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Author: News & Events – MCS
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